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Synthetic Opioid Fentanyl more likely to cause overdose than prescription pain pills!
Stay Informed about Opioids!
In an article by HealthDay on May 2, 2018, an updated Opioid Epidemic report is given, which shows the deadly drug Fentanyl is beginning to cause more problems with overdose than painkillers. This is in part due to the Fentanyl being much stronger than the average Opiate pain pill, but also because Opioids that are synthetic, like Fentanyl, are far more dangerous. As the makers of these synthetic Opioids strive to come out with new and more affordable deadly drugs, America (as of 2016) had experienced a 30% increase in overdose deaths as a result of these synthetic drugs. Information is also beginning to become available that shows increased rates in cases of Benzodiazepine users ingesting the synthetic drugs and having disastrous consequences of overdose or near-fatal intoxication levels.
For the most part, this seems like common sense; everyone knows the Opioid crisis in America is only getting worse, and when it comes to pain pills, there is no exception. Millions of Americans have prescription Opioids to alleviate pain and other symptoms, and out of these billions of pills given out, many of them make their way into the hands of Opioid drug addicts. In a recent study, the addictive properties of Opioids are discussed, and there are some shocking results.
Where are the Opioid addicts getting their drugs?
For those who didn’t know, the highest rate of overdose for those using Opioid pain pills goes to a group of users they label “non medical.” These are individuals who get their Opioid medications from friends, through fake prescriptions, doctor office scams, from clinics, and even though some of these medications are legally prescribed, the user is taking the pain pills in an addictive way, not as medically prescribed.
This group of Opioid addicts not only runs the highest risk of overdosing from Opioids but also illegally acquires their drugs, over seventy percent of the time.
Most common ways to illegally acquire Opioid Pills:
- Stolen from a friend or relative
- Given from a Friend or relative
- Bought from a friend or relative
- Bought from a drug dealer or stranger
For these Opioid users, who obtain the drugs in the above fashion, and use the Opioids between 200-365 days per year, your risk of overdose death is the highest!
Synthetic Opioid use combined with other Medications or drugs
Another topic mentioned in the above studies is the fact that overdose deaths from synthetic Opioids are also increasing in those who use prescription medications. One medication mentioned is Benzodiazepines. Benzo’s such as valium or Xanax are given for mood disorders, depression, anxiety, and other mental health symptoms, however, for those taking benzos that also try Fentanyl, or any synthetic Opioid, the drug interaction is sometimes deadly. Similarly, for anyone abusing alcohol and prescription drugs, severe medical complications are possible.
With all of this new data coming to light, and more an more families recognizing the presence of Opioids in their loved ones, the next step is to learn about how to get approved for treatment or rehab when needed. Modern medicine and alternative approaches have made many breakthroughs in pain reduction, as well as Opioid reduction methods. For someone wanting to live a life without Opioids, there are many treatment approaches available to help in the recovery. The moment you discover a loved one is addicted, please reach out for help right away. With the power of these new synthetic drugs, one use is all it takes to claim the life of an addict!
Best Opioid Treatment Centers in Texas – and Nationwide!
For the thousands of families across America dealing with Opioid pain pill addiction in a loved one, it is overwhelming. Loved ones that are addicted will steal pain pills or valuables and money that is used to purchase the potent Opioid drugs off the street from dealers. It is not uncommon for a daily Opioid user to know local friends, family, or even strangers who will supply their daily fix. Opioid medications are known to be big sellers on the illicit drug market and often command prices close to one dollar per milligram. For a struggling family, an Opioid prescription is often sold to maintain finances, regardless of the adverse effects taking place in the community or medical consequences for those who purchase these deadly and addictive pain medications.
For families, friends, communities and other groups wanting to see others free from these dangerous drugs, it is essential to stay informed and know who to turn to when a loved one is in crisis.
At Texas Drug Rehabs we provide the best insurance covered rehab programs for those needing to detox from Opioids and begin a long-term recovery program in a safe and structured environment. Our locations are licensed, and accredited facilities that specialize in helping families and their loved ones recover from Opioid dependency and addiction issues.
Our rehab assistance helpline is open 24/7 to assist those dealing with an Opioid crisis. Please continue to read today’s article about the rise in synthetic pain pill deaths and potential solutions to seeking help.
In an emergency, please call (888) 254-0041
Or to read more about the dangers of Opioids, and successful Opioid treatment centers, please choose a link from below:
Best rehab centers for heroin addiction
How to use insurance for rehab
Fighting the Opioid Epidemic and Overdose crisis
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